What do Mary Thomas, Cheryl Heoft, Jack Crabtree, Dave Phillips, Bob Marcero, Mike Smith, Jean Hutt, Ed Gall, Kathy Stacey, Bill Smigielski, Dave Johnson, Marelene Weintraub, Don DiPaolo, Mary Converse, Greg Lewis, Tim Kiraly, Kathy Kiraly, Jim Wicker, Pat Fowler, Marge McNally and Joyce Jonik have in common? If you answered that they are or were teachers in Saline Area Schools you would be correct in most cases, (one is a professor at Eastern Michigan University). However, the most accurate answer is that each of these individuals was a teacher of mine at one point or another and each made a significant and unique impact upon my life.
These individuals taught me public speaking, consumer economics, physical education, English, (Research Seminar) world history, science, social studies, (anyone else remember the unit called "The Wave") sociology, psychology and the fundamentals of being a cadet teacher. However, they also taught me how to be responsible, accountable, passionate, engaged, caring, competent and empathetic. In short, they taught me not only the skills necessary to make a living, they taught me how to live.
October 5th is World Teacher Day. It is my opportunity, (and I hope yours) to say thank you to a teacher who had an impact in your life. I am fortunate to remain in contact with several of my former teachers and my life is richer because of the positive impact they have had upon me.
Saline, like every school district, has teachers who are having the same impact upon their students today that my teachers had upon me years ago. Take a moment to simply say thank you and job well done.
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